The “Just Right Challenge”- the OT way to reach goals

Occupational therapists are taught to find the “just right challenge” for children with sensory integration challenges. I find it’s the way to think about progressing with all children for any fine motor, visual motor or sensory related difficulties. Finding the “just right challenge” for your child is one of my favorite things to do and […]

What is bilateral coordination and why is it important?

child cutting coordination

Bilateral coordination refers to the ability to coordinate both sides of the body at the same time in a controlled and organized manner; for example, stabilizing paper with one hand while writing/ cutting with the other.  Good bilateral integration/ coordination is an indicator that both sides of the brain are communicating effectively and sharing information.  […]

Picky Eater vs. Problem Feeders

Child'sPlay Therapists

Lots of kids are picky eaters.  They may not eat their vegetables, or they may prefer only a few of the same kinds of foods.  Children may even turn this into an uncomfortable power struggle at mealtime. Some kids, however, can have a more difficult time with more extensive symptoms.  They may have difficulty with […]

Sensory Processing Disorders: Tips for the “Out of Sync” Child

Many children with sensory processing issues can become frustrated and overwhelmed in environments that are over stimulating.  Over stimulating environments may include the grocery store, classroom environment, or crowded areas.  For many children, additional proprioceptive input is helpful in calming the child and helping the child to feel more grounded within their body. Proprioception refers […]

Child’s “Play” : What You Need to Know

“Play” is a child’s work.  Development of play skills is an essential component of early child development.  Play acts as a window which allows us to examine all aspects of a child’s development including their physical, cognitive, speech and language and social-emotional functioning.  It is through play that children learn about objects, people and the […]